Enter a few details into our calculator below to view your weekly and quarterly savings results
Estimated Savings
The estimated savings calculator takes a conservative outlook. This approach is important to ensure that realistic savings can be achieved by the solar system recommended for your home and location. Our solar consultant will provide you in writing, a complete and detailed proposal inclusive of the POWER SAVINGS GUARANTEE "PSG" and thus a site visit and review is critical to delivering the most appropriate size and design.
Current Weekly Electricity Costs
[/CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_RESULT]New Quarterly Electricity Bill / Credit:
[/CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_RESULT]New Weekly Electricity Bill / Credit:
[/CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_RESULT]After solar installation minimum guaranteed savings per week:
[/CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_RESULT]After 10 Years (Savings inclusive of system investment):